Amigurumi Valentine Girl Free Pattern

Amigurumi Valentine girl free crochet pattern


ring – amigurumi ring

SC – single crochet

İNC – increase

DEC – decrease

CH – air loop

DC – double crochet

SL-ST – connecting post

Legs (2 parts).

We start with brown yarn.

1st row – cast on 6 CH, in the second from the hook CH inc, 3 sc, in the last CH 4 sc.

We turn knitting. 3 sc, last inc (14)

2nd row – 1 sc, inc, 3 sc, (inc) * 4, 4 sc, inc (20)

3 row – 2, inc, 3 sc, (1 sc, inc) * 4, 5 sc, inc (26)

4 row – 26 for the back loop.

You can prepare a cut out piece of cardboard to the size of the sole and put it in the leg.

5 row – 26 sc

6 row – 7 sc, (dec) * 6, 7 sc (20)

7 row – 6 sc, (dec) * 4, 6 sc (16)

8 row – 4 sc, (dec) * 4, 4 sc (12)

Change color to sock color. I knitted socks in different colors.

We knit the right leg with a striped one.

Change the color to yellow.

9 row – 12 sc for back loop

Change the color to white.

10 row – 12 sc

Change the color to yellow.

11 row – 12 sc

Change the color to white.

12 row – 12 sc

Change the color to yellow.

13 row – 12 sc

Change of color to the color of the girl’s body.

Change the color to beige.

Row 14 – 12 sc for back loop

Rows 15-26 – 12 sc (12 rows)

Trim the thread.

We return to the 14th row, where they knitted for the back loop, and we knit like this:

Important: the hook is pointing down.

We attach a white thread.

Knit 12 sc at the front loop. Change the color to yellow.

Knit 12 sc. Fasten the thread, cut.

We knit the second leg in exactly the same way, but I knitted the sock in one color.

When I reached the toe, I knitted like this:

9 row – 12 sc for back loop

Row 10-15 – 12 sc (6 rows)

Next, as in the right leg, change the color to the body color.

Rows 16-26 – 12 sc (5 rows)

We do not cut the thread.

We return to the 14th row, where they knitted for the back loop, and we knit like this:

We attach a white thread.

Cast on 3 CH, knit SL-ST in adjacent sc, knit 3 CH again, in adjacent sc knit SL-ST.

We knit to the end of the row. Fasten the thread, cut.

The torso.

On the left leg, knit 3 sc so that the last sc is on the side.

We collect 6 CH and attach to the right leg.

27 row – 12 sc on the right leg, 6 sc on CH, 12 sc on the left leg, 6 sc on CH (36)

28 row – 2 sc, inc, 1 sc, inc, 25 sc, (1 sc, inc) * 2, 1 sc (42)

Row 29-35 – 42 sc (7 rows)

36 row – (5 sc, dec) * 6 (36)

Row 37-38 – 36 sc (2 rows)

39 row – (4 sc, dec) * 6 (30)

40-41 row – 30 sc (2 rows)

42 row – (3 sc, dec) * 6 (24)

Row 43-44 – 24 sc (2 rows)

45 row – (2 sc, dec) * 6 (18)

46 row – 18 sc

47 row – (1 sc, dec) * 6 (12)

Row 48-49 – 12 sc (2 rows)


50 row – (inc) * 12 (24)

51 row – (3 sc, inc) * 6 (30)

52 row – (4 sc, inc) * 6 (36)

53 row – (5 sc, inc) * 6 (42)

54 row – (6 sc, inc) * 6 (48)

55 row – (7 sc, inc) * 6 (54)

56 row – (4 sc, inc, 4 sc) * 6 (60)

Row 57-66 – 60 sc (10 rows)

67 row – (4 sc, dec, 4 sc) * 6 (54)

68 row – (7 sc, dec) * 6 (48)

69 row – (6 sc, dec) * 6 (42)

70 row – (5 sc, dec) * 6 (36)

71 row – (4 sc, dec) * 6 (30)

72 row – (3 sc, dec) * 6 (24)

73 row – (2 sc, dec) * 6 (18)

74 row – (1 sc, dec) * 6 (12)

75 row – (dec) * 6 (6)

Pull the hole, fasten the thread, cut.


We attach a beige thread about 62-64 rows and knit:

2 CH, bump (3 HDC with one vertex in 1 sc), 2 CH, SL-ST in the same sc.

We also make the second ear.

 Hands (2 parts).

Knit with body color.

1 row – 6 sc into magic ring

2nd row – (1 sc, inc) * 6 (9)

3 row – (2 sc, inc) * 6 (12)

Row 4-5 – 12 sc (2 rows)

6 row – 6 sc, cone (4 HDC with one vertex in 1 sc), 5 sc (12)

7 row – 5 sc, dec, 5 sc (11)

8 row – 4 sc, dec, 5 sc (10)

Rows 9-18 – 10 sc (10 rows)

Fold in half, knit on both sides 5 sc. Fasten the thread, cut, leaving a long end for sewing.

Sew to the body on the 45th row.


Red yarn.

1 row – 6 sc into magic ring

2 row – (inc) * 6 (12)

3 row – (1 sc, inc) * 6 (18)

4 row – (2 sc, inc) * 6 (24)

We start knitting curls. I knitted them in slightly different lengths.

Cast on 35-40 CH, turn and chain sc to end.

We make SL-ST into the adjacent sc. Cast on 35-40 CH again, turn and chain sc until the end.

We make SL-ST into the adjacent sc.

We repeat this 17 times.

We make bangs. Cast on 11 CH, turn and chain sc to end. We make SL-ST into the adjacent sc. We repeat 2 times.

Cast on 7 CH, turn and chain sc to end.

We repeat 3 times. Cast on 11 CH again, twist and chain sc to end. We make SL-ST into the adjacent sc. We repeat 2 times.

Fasten the thread, cut, leaving a long end for sewing.

We sew to the head.


White yarn.

We collect a chain of 36 CH.

1 row – from the second from the CH hook, knit 35 sc to the end, turn the knitting.

2 row – dec, 31 sc, dec (33)

3 row – dec, 29, dec (31)

4 row – dec, 27, dec (29)

5 row – dec, 25, dec (27)

6 row – dec, 23, dec (25)

7 row – dec, 21, dec (23)

8 row – dec, 19, dec (21)

9 row – dec, 17, dec (19)

10 row – dec, 15, dec (17)

Row 11-12 – 17 sc

13 row – inc, 15 sc, inc (19)

14 row – inc, 17 sc, inc (21)

15 row – inc, 19 sc, inc (23)

16 row – inc, 21 sc, inc (25)

17 row – inc, 23 sc, inc (27)

18 row – inc, 25 sc, inc (29)

19 row – inc, 27 sc, inc (31)

20 row – 31 sc

We tie the entire part around the edge with SL-ST.

Sew the edges on top, the first and last 2 rows. Panties are ready.


Red yarn.

We collect 50 CH, try on the doll’s head, if not enough, tie the required amount of CH.

From the second from the hook CH knit 49 sc. Fasten the thread, cut, leaving a long end for sewing.

Hearts on the bezel (2 parts)

Red yarn.

1 row – 6 sc into magic ring

2nd row – (1 sc, inc) * 6 (9)

3 row – 9 sc

Fasten the thread, cut. Tie one more detail, do not cut the thread.

We attach to the first part.

4th row – 9 sc for the first piece, 9 sc for the second piece (18)

5-6 row – 18 sc

7 row – (1 sc, dec) * 6 (12)

8 row – 12 sc

9 row – (dec) * 6 (6)

Fasten the thread, cut.

We knit 2 hearts. We take a chenille wire 3.5 centimeters in size, glue one edge into the heart, the other into the head of the doll.

The dress.

We start with pink yarn.

1 row – we collect a chain of 31 sc. From the 6th from the CH hook, knit 25 sc.

2 row – CH, 25 sc (25)

3 row – CH, 5 sc, 10 CH, skip

5 sc, 5 sc, 10 CH, skip 5 sc, 5 sc (25)

4th row – 5 sc, 10 sc in CH, 5 sc, 10 sc in CH, 5 sc (35)

5-10 row – 35 sc

11 row – (3 sc, inc) * 10 (50)

12 row – (2 CH, skip 2 sc, 2 CC1H in one sc, 2 CH, skip 2 sc, SL-ST) * 9

13 row – (2 CC1H in one sc, 2 CH, skip 2 sc, SL-ST, 2 CH) * 8

Row 14 – (3 CH, skip 2 sc, 3 CC1H in one sc, 3 CH, skip 2 sc, SL-ST) * 9

15 row – (3 CC1H in one sc, 3 CH, skip 2 sc, SL-ST, 3 CH) * 8

16 row – (3 CH, skip 2 sc, 3 CC1H in one sc, 3 CH, skip 2 sc, SL-ST) * 9

17 row – (3 CC1H in one sc, 3 CH, skip 2 sc, SL-ST, 3 CH) * 8

18 row – (3 CH, skip 2 sc, 3 CC1H in one sc, 3 CH, skip 2 sc, SL-ST) * 9

Change the color of the yarn to white.

19 row – 3 CH, in the adjacent sc we knit SL-ST, 3 CH, in the adjacent sc we knit SL-ST – we knit to the end of the row.

Fasten the thread, cut.

We return to the 4th row.

We attach a white thread.

We knit in the same way as the bottom of the skirt, i.e.: 3 CH, in the adjacent sc we knit SL-ST, 3 CH, in the adjacent sc we knit SL-ST – we knit to the end of the row.

Fasten the thread, cut. We also knit the second sleeve.