Amigurumi Blue Dinosaur Free Pattern

Hello, your child will love the Amigurumi Blue Dinosaur Free pattern, follow it for the most beautiful current patterns.


Yarn Himalaya dolphin baby 80347 mint (150g), 80317 beige (50g), 80308

milky (30 g), black for the eyes.

Yarn art jeans milky 05, blue 16 for clothes.

Hooks 4.0 and 2.5, as well as straight needles 2.0

Trapezium eyes with sequins 16 mm on the cap.

Needle for eyebrow embroidery, buttons 2 pcs.


The size of the finished toy is approximately 40 cm


AR – Amigurumi Magic ring

MR – Amigurumi Magic ring

App – application

ll – lift loop

sc : Single Crochet

inc : Increase

dec : Decrease

tr : Triple Crochet/ Treble Crochet

st: Stitch

dc : Double Crochet

hdc: Half Double Crochet

sl-st : Slip Stitch

ch : Chain : make increase into same stitch as many as the number which is given in front of “inc” abbreviation (exp; 3inc, 4inc..).

FLO : Crochet into front loops only

BLO : Crochet into back loops only

BL : Bobble Stitch – do 5dc all in the same stitch and then yarn over and pull through all the loops on your hook (the original loop + 1 loop for each partially completed dc).


1.6 sc in MR, knit head tight enough

2. 6 inc (12)

3. 1 sc, inc*6 time (18)

4. 2 sc, inc*6 time (24)

5. 3 sc, inc*6 time (30)

6. 4 sc, inc*6 time (36)

7. 5 sc, inc*6 time (42)

8. 6 sc, inc*6 time (48)

9-13 р 48 sc

14.18 sc,10 inc,20 sc (58)

In this row, later insert the eyes on the plug in the first and last increase

(about 6 sc between them)

15.18 sc,inc,19 sc,inc,19 sc (60 sc)

16-18 р 60 sc

19. 8 sc, dec*6 time (54)

20. 7 sc, dec*6 time (48)

21. 6 sc, dec*6 time (42)

22. 5 sc, dec*6 time (36)

23. 4 sc, dec*6 time (30)

24. 3 sc, dec*6 time (24)

25. 2 sc, dec*6 time (18) slst , cut the thread. Stuff your head, focus on the cheeks.

You can also pull each eye separately, in the video I showed how to do this, but preferably when the head is already sewn to the body.

You can shape the mouth of a dinosaur, the video shows how to do it.

Legs (2 parts)

Then we knit the legs into the body, we start with beige

1.5 ch, 2 sc in 2nd st, 2 sc, 3 in last st, 4sc (11)

2. inc, 4 sc, 3 inc, 3 sc,2 inc (17)

3. inc, 1 sc,inc,3 sc,inc,1 sc,inc, 1sc,inc,4sc inc,1 sc (23)

4. inc,8 sc,inc,1 sc,inc,2 sc,inc,6 sc,inc,1 sc (28)

5. 28 sc

6. 28 sc

7. 11 sc, (1 sc*dec) 4 times, 5 sc (24)

8. 11 sc,4 dec,5 sc (20) make decreases in the middle of the leg

9.12 sc, dec, 6 sc (19). Change color to mint

10- 14 row 19 sc

15. 1 dec at the end of the row (18)

16. 18 sc

17. 1 dec at the end of the row (17)

18. 1 dec at the end of the row (16)

19. 1 dec at the end of the row (15)

20. 15 sc

21. 1 sc,1 dec,12 sc (14) stuff a leg

22. 14 sc. Fold in half, knit 7 sc, cut off thread.

Horns (6 pcs)

1.6 in MR milky color

2.6 sc

3.1 sc, inc*3 times (9)

4.9 sc

5.2 sc, inc*3 times (12)

6.12 sc

7.3 sc, inc*3 times (15)

Leave the thread for sewing about 15 cm

We do not stuff the horns, we sew each one separately, having previously secured them with pins.

Handles (2 parts)

1.6 sc in MR in beige

2. 6 inc (12)

3. 1 sc, inc* 6 time (18)

4. – 7 р. 18 sc . Change color to mint

Next, knit 9 rows of 18 sc

17. 1sc,dec*6time (12)

Fold in half by knitting 6 sc, cut off the thread.

Fill the bottom tightly, the top is not very good so that the handles sticking out


1. 6 sc in MR

2. 6 inc (12)

3. 1 sc, inc*6 time (18)

4. 2 sc, inc*6 time (24)

5. 3 sc, inc*6 time (30)

6. 4 sc, inc*6 time (36)

7. 5 sc, inc*6 time (42)

8. 6 sc, inc*6 time (48)

9.14 sc, 7 sc with leg ,6 sc,inc,3 sc,inc,6 sc,7 sc with leg,3 sc (50)

10.25 sc,inc,10 sc,inc,13 sc (52)

11.26 sc,inc,10 sc,inc,14 sc (54)

12-13 р 54 sc

14. 7 sc, dec*6 time (48)

15. 48 sc

16. 6 sc, dec*6 time (42)

17. 5 sc, dec*6 time (36)

18-20 р 36 sc

21. 4 sc,dec*6 time (30). Stuff the body, focus on the belly

22. 3 sc,dec*6 time (24)

23. 2 sc, dec*6 time (18)

24. Knit hands in this row, 5 sc in front

25.18 sc. Stuff your neck well.

Leave the end of the thread for sewing on the head.

I sewed the head with the same thread 2 times.


1.6 in MR beige

2.6 sc

3.1 sc,inc*3 times (9)

4.9 sc

5.2 sc,inc*3 times (12)

6.12 sc

7.3 sc,inc*3 times (15)

8.15 sc

9.4 sc,inc* 3 times (18)

10.18 sc

11.5 sc,inc *3 times (21)

12.21 sc

13.6 sc,inc*3 times (24)

14.24 sc. Change color to mint

15.7 sc,inc*3 times (27)

16.27 sc

17.8 sc,inc*3 times (30)

18.30 sc

19.- 22 р 30 sc, leave the end for sewing. Stuff the tail tightly

Blouse (knit with needles 2.0)

Amigurumi Blue Dinosaur Free pattern,

Cast on 2 short knitting needles 34 loops + 2 chrome. (we knit in rotary rows)

1 p. all purl

We knit with the front stitch with raglan according to the scheme 5 back, 5 sleeves, 10 in front, 5 sleeves, 5 back.

All purl according to the pattern.

As soon as 21 loops remain on the sleeves, we close them in the usual way.

In the next. a row we make wavings in the purl row of 6 pieces (for the sleeve)

Now you can try on a blouse, I translate knitting into circular short

knitting needles 2.0, and see how many times I need to make.

To do this, in the front row, make incars every 3 loops.

Next, we knit with the front stitch to the desired length (I knitted 10 rows).

We close in the usual way.

Tie back ties 2 pcs, for this dial 25 ch

Pants (crochet 2.5)

Cast on 74 loops +2 air loop (each row start with 2 ch)

We knit in pivoting rows of dc in each loop, so 5 rows From the 6th row we make decaves at the beginning and end of the row (skipping the first 2 loops) We knit 10-12 rows without decaves. We periodically try it on the dino.

We make 2 straps at the back (typing 45 ch, tying dc in each loop)

The straps are tied in front, and the buttons are glued.We put on the pants, sew a gusset on the dinosaur with a needle and 2 cm above the tail behind

Amigurumi Blue Dinosaur Free pattern,