Deer in overalls Crochet Free Pattern

Hello everyone, today I will give you a wonderful crochet Deer in overalls, completely free of charge. You can complete this cute Deer in overalls toy step by step by following the instructions.

I continue to share animal and doll models. You can be informed about new amigurumi patterns by following our website.

Information about the toy:

• arms and legs are knitted into the body;

• the head of the finished toy can be freely rotated 360° and is knitted separately;

• horns, ears, muzzle and spots are sewn on;

• clothes are removed.

The height of the finished Deer in overalls, taking into account the horns, when using the recommended materials is 28 – 29 cm. Please note that the height of the finished toy also depends on the knitting density.

I hope that the process of creating the toy will be enjoyable for you.

Necessary materials:

1. YarnArt Jeans yarn (160 m / 50 g):

– color 35 (yellow) a little less than 1 skein (main color);

– color 70 (brown) less than 1/4 of the skein (additional color);

– color 01 (white) a little for the muzzle and pockets;

– color 69 (green) 1/2 of the skein for the jumpsuit (you can use any other color);

– color 20 (pink) a little for the cheeks;

2. Eyes on a safe fastening with a diameter of 6 mm;

3. Hook (I use 2, 1.75 will also work);

4. Filler (synthetic fluff, holofiber,

synthetic ball);

5. Needle, marker, scissors, tailor’s pins;

6. Black thread for decorating the muzzle;

7. 2 buttons with a diameter of up to 10 mm.

Amigurumi Abbreviations

Ch – air loop;

BLO – knit through the back half-loop;

MR – amigurumi ring;

FLO – knit through the front half-loop;

İnc – increase;

Hdc – half double crochet;

Sc – single crochet;

Sl-st – slip stitch;

Dc – double crochet;

Dec – decrease;

(NUMBER) – total number of stitches in a row, or number of identical rows;

(…) x NUMBER – action in brackets

repeat the specified number of times.

Color change

Let’s start by looking at color change.

Let’s say we need to change the additional color to the main one, in this case we knit the last Sc that needs to be knitted with the additional color as follows:

1. grab the additional color thread through the loop on the piece, you get 2 additional color loops on the hook;

2. now grab the main color thread with the hook and pass it through these 2 additional color loops, carefully pull the main and additional color threads to get an even column.

Color change is done. Then you can knit Sc with the main color.

Handles (2 pieces)

Knit in a spiral, stuff the piece with filler as you knit.

We start knitting with an additional color (brown)

1) 7 Sc in MR (7)

2) 7 İnc (14)

3) 14 Sc behind BLO (14)

4) 14 Sc (1 row)

5) (5 Sc, Dec) x 2 (12)

6) 2 Sc, Dec, 4 Sc, Dec, 2 Sc (10)

at the end of the row we change the color to the main one (yellow), then we will knit everything with the main color, so fasten and cut the thread of the additional color

7) 10 Sc behind BLO

8) – 24) 10 Sc (17 rows)

25) (3 Sc, Dec) x 2 (8)

26) Fold the piece in half and knit 4 Sc for both edges of the loops, fasten the thread, cut.

Legs (2 pieces)

Knit in a spiral, stuff the piece with filler as you knit.

We start knitting with an additional color (I use brown)

1) 8 Sc in MR (8)

2) 8 İnc (16)

3) (1 Sc, İnc) x 8 (24)

4) 24 Sc behind BLO (24)

5) 24 Sc (1 row)

6) 3 Sc, Dec, (6 Sc, Dec) x 2, 3 Sc (21)

7) (5 Sc, Dec) x 3 (18)

8) 2 Sc, Dec, (4 Sc, Dec) x 2, 2 Sc (15)

9) 15 Sc (1 row), at the end of the row we change the color to the main one (yellow), then we will knit everything with the main color, so fasten and cut the thread of the additional color

10) (3 Sc, Dec) x 3 behind BLO (12)

11) – 34) 12 Sc (24 rows)

35)(4 Sc, Dec) x 2 (10)

36)Fold the piece in half and knit 5 Sc along both edges of the loops, fasten the thread, cut.

Horns (2 pieces)

Knit in a spiral, stuff the piece with filler as you knit.

Start knitting with an additional color (I use brown).

Knit 2 small pieces of three rows:

1) 6 Sc in MR (6)

2) (İnc, 1 Sc) x 3 (9)

3) 9 Sc (1 row), at this stage on the first piece fasten the thread with a slip stitch and cut, on the second piece do not cut the thread and continue knitting

4) Attach the second piece to the first with 1 Sc, i.e. knit Sc through 1 loop on the first piece in the place where we made Sl-st (we do not take this column into account in the next row), and then knit 9 Sc on the first piece, 9 Sc on the second piece (18)

5) (4 Sc, Dec) x 3 (15)

6) (3 Sc, Dec) x 3 (12)

Fold the piece in half and find 1 loop on each side of the piece ali (look at the photo), we will knit increases in the main color on these loops. We finish knitting single crochets in an additional color to the first side loop (for me it is 3 Sc) and change the thread to the main color, thereby we shift the beginning of the row to this main color.

Further in the diagram, for ease of perception, the additional color will be written in the usual color, and the main color – in bold with underlining. 7) (Inc, Dec, 1 Sc, Dec) x 2 (10)

8) 2 Sc (at the end of the second column, do not change the thread to an additional color, i.e. 1 loop of the main color remains on the hook), Dec along three loops of the additional color (we knit like this: through each of the three loops, grab and pass the thread of the additional color, on the hook there should be 3 loops of the additional color and 1 loop of the main color, knit these 4 loops with the thread of the main color), then also repeat 2 Sc, Dec along three loops (6), fasten the thread of the additional color and cut

9) – 11) 6 Sc (3rd row), fasten the thread and cut, leaving a long end for sewing.

Deer in overalls- Ears

(2 pieces)

Knit with the main color in a spiral, no need to stuff the part with filler.

1) 6 Sc in MR

2) (İnc, 1 Sc) x 3 (9)

3) (İnc, 2 Sc) x 3 (12)

4) 12 Sc (1 row)

5) (İnc, 3 Sc) x 3 (15)

6) – 8) 15 Sc (3 rows)

9) Fold the piece in half and knit 7 Sc through both edges of the loops

10) Fold in half again and knit 3 Sc through both edges of the loops, fasten the thread, cut, leaving a long end for sewing.

Deer in overalls- Muzzle

Knit in white in a spiral

1) 6 Ch, from the second loop from the hook, knit 4 Sc on one side of the loops,

3 Sc in the last loop, on the other side of the loops 3 Sc, İnc (12)

2) İnc, 3 Sc, 3 İnc, 3 Sc, 2 İnc (18)

3) 1 Sc, İnc, 3 Sc, (1 Sc, İnc) x 3, 3 Sc, (1 Sc, İnc) x 2 (24)

4) 2 Sc, İnc, 3 Sc, (2 Sc, İnc) x 3, 3 Sc, (2 Sc, İnc) x 2 (30)

Knit 2 more Sc, fasten the thread and cut, leaving a long end for sewing

Spots (large) (2 pieces)

Knit with an additional color in a spiral.

To prevent the spots from being too thick, the thread should be divided in half (the YarnArt Jeans thread consists of 4 main twisted threads, you need to knit only from 2 threads), the approximate length of the thread is 130-140 cm

1) 7 Sc in MR

2) 7 İnc (14)

3) (1 Sc, İnc) x 7 (21)

Fasten the thread and cut, leaving a long end for sewing.

Spots (small) (7 pieces)

Knit with an additional color in a spiral.

To prevent the spots from being too thick, the thread should be divided in half (YarnArt Jeans thread consists of 4 main twisted threads, you need to knit only from 2 threads), the approximate length of the thread is 90-100 cm

1) 7 Sc in MR

2) 7 İnc (14)

Fasten the thread and cut, leaving a long end for sewing. Heart-shaped spot (1 piece)

Knit with an additional color.

To prevent the spots from being too thick, the thread should be divided in half (YarnArt Jeans thread consists of 4 main twisted threads, you need to knit only from 2 threads), the approximate length of the thread is 90-100 cm .

1) in MR knit 2 Ch, 2 Dc, 2 Hdc, 1Dc, 2 Hdc, 2 Dc, 2 Ch, Sl-st, tighten the ring, cut the thread, leaving a long end for sewing.

Cheeks (2 pieces)

Knit with pink in a spiral.

So that the cheeks are not too thick, the thread should be divided in half (YarnArt Jeans consists of 4 main twisted threads, you need to knit only from 2 threads), the approximate

length of the thread is about 90-100 cm.

1) 7 Sc in MR

2) 7 İnc (14)

Fasten the thread and cut, leaving a long end for sewing.

Deer in overalls- Body

Knit with the main color in a spiral, stuff the part with filler as you knit.

1) 8 Sc in MR (8)

2) 8 İnc (16)

3) (1 Sc, İnc) x 8 (24)

4) (3 Sc, İnc) x 6 (30)

5) 2 Sc, İnc, (4 Sc, İnc) x 5, 2 Sc (36)

6) (5 Sc, İnc) x 6 (42)

7) 42 Sc (1 row), in the next row

we will knit the legs

8) 8 Sc, 5 Sc together with the leg, 16 Sc, 5 Sc together with the leg, 8 Sc (42)

9) – 10) 42 Sc (2 rows)

Next in the rows we make decreases only on the sides of the toy, the marker of the beginning of the row should be exactly in the middle of the back, if the marker leads to side, then make offset loops. 11) 9 Sc, Dec, 20 Sc, Dec, 9 Sc (40) 12) 40 Sc (1 row) 13) 9 Sc, Dec, 18 Sc, Dec, 9 Sc (38) 14) 38 Sc (1 row) 15) 8 Sc, Dec, 18 Sc, Dec, 8 Sc (36) 16) 36 Sc (1 row) 17) 8 Sc, Dec, 16 Sc, Dec, 8 Sc (34) 18) 34 Sc (1 row) 19) 7 Sc, Dec, 16 Sc, Dec, 7 Sc (32) 20) 32 Sc (1 row) 21) 7 Sc, Dec, 14 Sc, Dec, 7 Sc (30) 22) 30 Sc (1 row)

23) 6 Sc, Dec, 14 Sc, Dec, 6 Sc (28)

24) 28 Sc (1 row)

25) 6 Sc, Dec, 12 Sc, Dec, 6 Sc (26)

26) 26 Sc (1 row)

27) 5 Sc, Dec, 12 Sc, Dec, 5 Sc (24)

28) 5 Sc, Dec, 10 Sc, Dec, 5 Sc (22), in the next row we will knit the handles

29) 4 Sc, 4 Sc together with the handle, 6 Sc, 4 Sc together with the handle, 4 Sc (22)

30) 4 Sc, Dec, 10 Sc, Dec, 4 Sc (20)

31) – 33) 20 Sc (3 rows)

34) 4 Sc, Dec, 8 Sc, Dec, 4 Sc (18)

35) – 37) 18 Sc (3 rows)

38) (4 Sc, Dec) x 3 (15)

39) 15 İnc (30)

40) – 41) 30 Sc (2 rows)

42) (1 Sc, Dec) x 10 (20)

43) 10 Dec (10)

44) 5 Dec (5), fasten and cut the thread, tighten the ring with the remaining thread, hide the thread inside the body.

Deer in overalls Head

Knit with the main color in a spiral, stuff the piece with filler as you knit.

1) 8 Sc in MR (8)

2) 8 İnc (16)

3) (1 Sc, İnc) x 8 (24)

4) (3 Sc, İnc) x 6 (30)

5) 2 Sc, İnc, (4 Sc, İnc) x 5, 2 Sc (36)

6) (5 Sc, İnc) x 6 (42)

7) 3 Sc, İnc, (6 Sc, İnc) x 5, 3 Sc (48)

8) (7 Sc, İnc) x 6 (54)

9) 4 Sc, İnc, (8 Sc, İnc) x 5, 4 Sc (60)

10)– 23) 60 Sc (14 rows)

Insert eyes between rows 18 and 19

at a distance of 12 Sc

24) 4 Sc, Dec, (8 Sc, Dec) x 5, 4 Sc (54)

25) (7 Sc, Dec) x 6 (48)

26) 2 Sc, Dec, (4 Sc, Dec) x 7, 2 Sc (40)

27) (3 Sc, Dec) x 8 (32)

Stuff the head well and put it on the body, knit the next rows, keeping the head on the body

28) 1 Sc, Dec, (2 Sc, Dec) x 7, 1 Sc (24)

29)(2 Sc, Dec) x 6 (18)

Fasten the thread, cut it, tighten the hole a little by the front half-loops, inserting the needle with the thread behind each front half-loop, as shown in the photo. Tighten carefully so that the head does not dangle on the body, but also turns freely.

Deer in overalls Assembly

1) We tighten the eyes with the main color thread (points 1 and 6 are located at a distance of 1 Sc

between the 24th and 25th rows):

– insert the needle into point 1 and bring it out at point 2

– insert the needle into point 3 and bring it out at point 6

– insert the needle into point 1 and bring it out at point 4

– insert the needle into point 5 and bring it out at

point 6, tighten the threads, tightening the eyes a little, tie a couple of knots and cut, you can leave the threads inside the head, since we will sew the muzzle on top of this tightening.

2) Sew the muzzle between rows 18 and 26.

3) Sew the ears on the sides in row 10.

4) Sew the horns between rows 3 and 6.

5) Embroider eyelashes, eyebrows, nose and mouth with black thread.

6) Sew on spots and cheeks at your discretion.

Example of sewing on spots

Deer in overalls- Jumpsuit

Knit in a circle.

Each row ends with Sl-st, which is knitted into the first column of the same row, thus each row is closed in a ring.

Each new row begins with air loops, and the first column of the row is knitted into the loop where Sl-st was made in the previous row.

We begin knitting from the legs.

1) Cast on a chain of 28 Ch and join it into a ring using Sl-st, make sure the chain is not twisted

2) Ch, 28 Sc, Sl-st

3) – 11) 2 Ch, 28 Dc, Sl-st (9 rows),

fasten the thread on the first leg and cut it, do not cut the thread on the second leg and continue knitting

12)Connect the second leg to the first using Sl-st, then knit 2 Ch, 28 Dc along the first leg, 28 Dc along the second leg (56)

If large holes form between the columns on one and the second leg, then either the last column on one leg or the first column on the other leg is knitted as follows: make a yarn over on the hook, then pull the thread through the last loop on one leg with the hook and another thread through the first loop on the second trouser leg, 4 loops are formed on the hook, then we first knit 3 loops on the hook, as a result 2 loops are formed on it, then we knit them too.

13) – 15) 2 Ch, 56 Dc, Sl-st (3 rows)

16) 2 Ch, 13 Dc, Dec from Dc, 26 Dc, Dec from Dc, 13 Dc, Sl-st (54)

17) 2 Ch, 12 Dc, Dec from Dc, 26 Dc, Dec from Dc, 12 Dc, Sl-st (52)

18) 2 Ch, 12 Dc, Dec from Dc, 24 Dc, Dec from Dc, 12 Dc, Sl-st (50), fasten the thread and cut.

We knit the front part of the jumpsuit in turning rows. The back part of the jumpsuit is where we finished and started the rows.

1) Fold the pants in half and find the loops located on the sides (they should coincide with the places of decreases in the 18th row), step back from these loops one more loop, attach the thread, make 1 Ch and knit 22 Sc

2) Ch, Dec, 18 Sc, Dec (20)

3) Ch, Dec, 16 Sc, Dec (18)

4) Ch, Dec, 14 Sc, Dec (16)

5) Ch, Dec, 12 Sc, Dec (14)

6) Ch, Dec, 10 Sc, Dec (12)

7) Ch, Dec, 8 Sc, Dec (10)

8) Ch, Dec, 6 Sc, Dec (8)

9) Ch, 8 Sc, fasten the thread and cut.

Knit the back of the jumpsuit in turning rows.

1) Step back 2 loops from the side loops on the pants, attach the thread, make 1 Ch and knit 20 Sc

2) Ch, Dec, 16 Sc, Dec (18)

3) Ch, Dec, 14 Sc, Dec (16)

4) Ch, Dec, 12 Sc, Dec (14)

5) Ch, Dec, 10 Sc, Dec (12)

6) Ch, Dec, 8 Sc, Dec (10)

7) Ch, Dec, 6 Sc, Dec (8)

8) Ch, Dec, 4 Sc, Dec (6)

9) cast on a chain of 23 Ch, starting with the 11th loop from the hook, knit 13 Ch, 6 Sc along the overalls, and once again cast on a chain of 23 Ch, and starting with the 11th loop from the hook, knit 13 Ch In the 9th row we have knitted the fasteners for the overalls. At this stage, try the overalls on the toy, and if the fasteners seem short, then increase the length of the chains from Ch, but keep in mind that the front part of the overalls will be longer by another row of single crochets due to the binding.

Binding the upper part of the overalls:

1) 9 Sc along the side surface of the back of the overalls

2) 4 Sc along the remaining loops of the pants

3) 9 Sc along the side surface of the front of the overalls

4) 8 Sc along the upper surface of the front of the overalls

5) 9 Sc along the side surface of the front of the overalls

6) 4 Sc along the remaining loops of the pants

7) 9 Sc along the side surface of the back of the overalls, fasten the thread and cut.

You may get more or less Sc along the side surfaces.

Pockets for overalls (2 pieces)

Knit in turning rows

1) Cast on a chain of 13 Ch, from the second loop from the hook knit 12 Sc

2) – 8 ) Ch, 12 Sc (7 rows), fasten the thread and cut, leaving a long end for sewing.

Sew pockets between 11 and 16 rows at a distance of 10-11 columns.

Photo for comparison of yarn

Deer in overalls in a green jumpsuit made of YarnArt Jeans yarn, in a burgundy jumpsuit made of Lavita Yarn Baby Cotton yarn

Congratulations on completing your adorable deer in overalls! We hope you enjoyed working through this Deer in Overalls Crochet Free Pattern and found it both fun and rewarding. Your handmade deer is a charming addition to any collection and a testament to your crochet skills. Don’t forget to share your finished project with friends, family, and the crochet community. If you loved this Deer in Overalls Crochet Free Pattern, be sure to explore our other free patterns for more creative and enjoyable projects. Happy crocheting!