Materials and tools:
• Cotton Delekat Jiva yarn in orange and peach colors
• some thin milky or white cotton yarn
• hook 1.0 mm
• holofiber filler
• scissors
• wide eye needle
• eyes 8 mm
• floss for nose embroidery
SC – single crochet
MR – amigurumi ring
İNC – increase
DEC – decrease
CH – air loop
[…]*…times – repeat the specified number of times written in brackets
HDC – double crochet
DC – double crochet
(…) – the total number of loops in a row
FLO – knit a row behind the front wall (front half loop)
BLO – knit a row behind the back wall (back half loop)

Introductory Instructions:
This toy is partly knitted in a spiral, partly in a circle. If desired
you can knit the whole toy in a spiral or in a circle (with a lifting loop).
We knit the part in a circle: at the beginning of each row we make a lifting loop. So the stripes are even. And this is the easiest way to tie them even and neat.
We start knitting with orange yarn.
1. 6 SC to MR (6)
2.6 inc (12)
3-4. 12 SC (12) – (2 rows)
Change the thread to peach. We do NOT cut the orange one: we will knit stripes.
5.12SC (12)
Change the thread to orange.
6-7. 12 SC (12) – (2 rows)
Change the thread to peach.
8.12SC (12)
Change the thread to orange.
9.12SC (12)
10. 2SC, DEC, 4SC, DEC, 2SC (10)
Change the thread to peach.
11.10SC (10)
Change the thread to orange.
12.10SC (10)
13.5SC, DEC, 3SC (9)
Change the thread to peach.
14.9SC (9)
Change the thread to orange.
15.9SC (9)
16.5SC, DEC, 2SC (8)
Change the thread to peach.
17.8SC (8)
Change the thread to orange.
18.5SC, DEC, SC (7)
19.4SC, DEC, SC (6)
The part will be tied into the body, so we leave the thread very short, fasten it and hide it inside the part. We stuff the tail by about 2/3 of the length:
Leave the top of the tail soft.

( 2 parts)
We knit in a spiral in orange.
1. 6 SC to MR (6)
2.6 inc (12)
3-5. 12SC (12) – (3 rows)
6. 3SC, DEC, 2SC, DEC, 3SC (10)
7. 3SC, 2DEC, 3SC (8)
8-17. 8 SC (8) – (10 rows)
The parts will be tied into the body, so we leave the thread very short, fasten it and hide it inside the part. We fill the handles about half
length and not very tight.
(2 parts)
We knit the legs in a circle: at the beginning of each row we make a lifting loop.
Knit with orange yarn.
1. 6 SC to MR (6)
2.6 inc (12)
3. [SC, İNC]*6 times (18)
4-8. 18 SC (18) – (5 rows)
At the first leg, cut the thread, fasten and hide. The second leg has a thread
DO NOT cut, continue to knit the body.
We also knit the body in a circle. If you decide to knit a non-striped cat, then you can knit in a spiral.
9. We knit 10 SC on the second leg, make a chain of 7 CH, connect with the first leg 10 columns from the beginning of the row, knit 18 SC on the first leg, 7 SC on the chain of CH and 8 SC on the second leg. We close the circle). (50)
10. 2 SC, İNC, 7 SC, 7 HDC over the air chain, 7 SC, İNC, 2 SC, İNC, 21 SC, İNC (54)
11. 2 İNC, 2 SC, İNC, 19 SC, İNC, 2 SC, 2 İNC, 2 SC, İNC, 19 SC, İNC, 2 SC (62)
12-13. 62 SC (62) – (2 rows)
14. In this row we knit the tail: 47 SC, the next 3 SC we knit the body loops together with the loops of the tail folded in half, 12 SC (62)
15-16. 62 SC (62) – (2 rows)
Change the thread to peach. We do NOT cut the orange one, leave it on the wrong side.
17-19. 62 SC (62) – (3 rows)
Change the thread to orange.
20-21. 62 SC (62) – (2 rows)
Change the thread to peach.
22-24. 62 SC (62) – (3 rows)
Change the thread to orange.
25.62SC (62)
26. We make one decrease in front and behind in an arbitrary place (60)
Change the thread to peach.
27-29. 60 SC (60) – (3 rows)
Change the thread to orange.
30.60SC (60)
31. 4SC, [DEC, 8SC]*5 times, DEC, 4SC (54)
Change the thread to peach.
32-34. 54 SC (54) – (3 rows)
Change the thread to orange. We fix the peach thread and cut it off.
35. In this row we knit handles. Fold the handle pieces in half.
3 SC together with the hand (we do not knit the initial loops of the hand – this row will close with them), 25 SC, 4 SC together with the second handle, 21 SC, and we knit the last SC with the remaining loops of the first hand. (54)
Attention! Due to the difference in the density of knitting and the thickness of the thread, you may end up with more or less columns between the hands.
Pay attention to this, and knit the handles evenly.
36. 5 SC, [DEC, 7 SC]*5 times, DEC, 2 SC (48)
37.48SC (48)
We DO NOT cut the thread, we continue to knit the head. We stuff the body well.

38.48SC BLO (48)
39-50. 48 SC (48) – (12 rows)
51. 4SC, [DEC, 6SC]*5 times, DEC, 2SC (42)
52. 2SC, [DEC, 5SC]*5 times, DEC, 3SC (36)
53. [DEC, 4SC]*6 times (30)
54. [3 SC, DEC]* 6 times (24)
55. [SC, DEC]*8 times (16)
56.8 DEC (8)
Leave a small thread for stitching the hole. We stuff the head.
Gently sew up the remaining hole, fasten the thread and cut.
Embroider the nose and sew on the eyes. We fix all stitches in place of future ears.
(2 parts)
We knit with orange yarn. In a spiral or in a circle – as you wish, this is not
1. 6 SC to MR (6)
2. [2 SC, İNC]*2 times (8)
3. [3SC, İNC ]*2 times (10)
4. [4 SC, İNC]*2 times (12)
5. [2 SC, İNC]*4 times (16)
6.16SC (16)
Leave a thread for sewing. We sew to the head, closing all the stitches that we did when embroidering the spout. Fasten and cut.

The collar is knitted FLO 38 rows (between body and head).
We knit with cotton white or milk yarn.
1. Work 2 DC in each st for 37 rows.
2. Repeat [DC, 2 DC in one loop] to the end of the row.
We fasten the thread and cut it off.
The cat is ready =^.^= meow